David Freedman
1 Thoroughbred Way Clifton Park, NY 12065
The following contract and it’s terms will set forth an agreement between The MagnetMan (OWNER) and Cheryl Hitchcock MCSD (CLIENT) the parties, for photo booth services for an event taking place at Draper MS. This written contract sets forth the full, written intention of both parties and supersedes all other written and/or oral agreements between the parties.
The Service Period will be from 6pm to 8pm on March 7, 2024.
A non-refundable retainer fee in the amount of $0 is due upon signing of this contract. The remaining amount is due 14 days in advance of Client's Event.
If the operator uses the equipment for a time period in excess of the service period agreed to in the invoice below, the overage in rental time will be billed to the operator at the following rates: $250.00 per hour.
Payment for any overage in time must be paid before additional hours are provided. Client agrees that in addition to any and all other legal rights and remedies Provider may have, Client will pay a $50.00 fee for any and all returned checks which Client may write to Provider as payment for any service by Provider or rental of Provider's equipment.
Client will arrange for an appropriate space for the Photo Booth at event's venue. 15x20 Space, 1-6’ table, power source within 20’ of location.
Any request for a date change must be made in writing at least thirty (30) days in advance of the original event date. Change is subject to photo booth availability and receipt of a new Service Contract. If there is no availability for the alternate date, the non- refundable reservation fee shall be forfeited and event cancelled. If event is cancelled for any reason, the non-refundable reservation fee is forfeited.
Client acknowledges that it shall be responsible for any damage or loss to the Provider's Equipment caused by: A) Any misuse of the Provider's Equipment by Client or its guests, or B) Any theft or disaster (including but not limited to fire, flood or earthquake).
Client agrees to, and understands the following: A) Client will indemnify provider against any and all liability related to Client's Event during or after Client's event. Client will indemnify Provider from the time of service and on into the future, against any liability associated with Client. B) Client will indemnify Provider against any and all liability associated with the use of pictures taken within THE MAGNETMAN, its representatives, employees or affiliates at Client's event.
If any provision of these terms shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable under Contract Law, then that provision, or portion thereof, shall be deemed separate from the rest of this contract and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions, or portions thereof. This is the entire agreement between Provider and Client relating to the subject matter herein and shall not be modified except in writing, signed by both parties. In the event of a conflict between parties, Client agrees to solve any arguments via arbitration. In the event Provider is unable to supply a working photo booth for at least 85% of the Service Period, Client shall be refunded a prorated amount based on the amount of service received. If no service is received, Provider's maximum liability will be the return of all payments received from Client. Provider is not responsible for any consequential damages or lost opportunities upon breach of this agreement.
If photo station is to be used in an outdoor setting, prior arrangements must be made with Provider. Client is responsible for ensuring that the photo booth is under protective covering and level ground. In the event Client can't or does not provide appropriate cover photo booth services will end if inclement weather occurs. In the event that services end early due to inclement weather during an outdoor event Client will not receive a refund in part or in full. THE MAGNETMAN utilizes green screen technology for our background images (if chosen). The successful use of this feature depends on venue conditions including but not limited to lighting, etc. In the event the photo station attendant determines the quality of the photos being taken do not meet our high standards, the use of the green screen will be immediately discontinued and an alternative background will be used. This is to ensure the highest quality experience for our clients and their guests.
Client Name: Cheryl Hitchcock MCSD
Client Address: 2072 Curry Rd. Schenectady, NY 12303
Client Phone: 518-356-8205
Client Email: chitchcock@mohonasen.org
Event Type: school event
Event Start Time: 6pm
Event End Time: 8pm
Venue Name: Draper MS
Venue Address:
Venue Phone:
Venue Contact:
Type of Layout: 3x4_magnet
Background Requested:
Photo Text: Family fun day 2023
Custom Color/Theme: school font/logo
Facebook Option: no
DropBox Option: no
Custom Scrapbook ($125):
Extra CD ($20):
Photo Booth Cost: $725
Extra Add-ons: $0
Tax: $0
Retainer: $0
Balance: $725
Please sign using a stylus, your mouse, or your finger below to authorize this contract. By electronically signing this document, you agree to the terms established above. After the document is signed, you can proceed to print it.
Client Information
Signed on Tue Mar 05 2024 16:04:25 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
IP Address: